lundi 5 décembre 2011

When you beat a boy at a sport

Boys always think that girls are weak and that they don't like gym. So it  really is a thrill when you finally beat them, be it at tug-a-war or just scoring on them in soccer.

 First they look at you in disbelief and cry in shock"I can't believe I got beat by a girl!". The shock might stay there for  couple of minutes but then they will start to invent excuses like "I let them win" or "I was going easy on her".

While he is struggling to regain his pride, you are enjoying your victory and watch him struggle. Trust me it is the best thing you'll see in a good while.


mercredi 30 novembre 2011

Oh! Where are you?

He is another poem! Let's see if you can figuer it out. Click here to see.

A Cool Breeze on a Hot Day

So, so hot. Need fresh air.




Laugh Attacks

Sometimes it's because of a good joke or for reason at all. But when you start there seems to be no stopping.

You roll on the floor and smack your fist on the ground. You got tears in your eyes, but you are not sad.

After ten seconds you're struggling to breathe, rasping:"I can't breath, need air!"

Finally you catch your breath, and start to calm down. You're filled with an overwhelming sense of happiness.
                                                       But the minute someone makes a noise you're back on the ground, howling with laughter.


lundi 28 novembre 2011

Débats de l'avortement

 Voici la partit écrite des débats. Moi j'ai fait mon débats contre l'avortement, clique ici pour voir mon text et mes pensée pendant la recherche.

vendredi 25 novembre 2011

Petit prince

Nous avions fini de lire Le Petit Prince de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Nous avions découvert beaucoup de thème en lisant ce livre. Pour voir ce que j'en ai pensée cliquer ici.

jeudi 3 novembre 2011

Reflexion de sc nat bloc 1

En classe nous avons étudier le mouvement de l'eau et l'environnement. Si vous voulez voir ma reflexion à ce sujet cliquer ici.

mercredi 2 novembre 2011

Responce of Author's promise

The author`s promise is that he will answer all the important questions you were thinking, by the end of the text, movie, book...etc.

I had alot of questions during the story, well lots of predictions. For one I knew the dog was going to die because in the first sentence it said "...well I had a dog...". In another pert of the story, when I read that the rabbit was dirty I knew something was amissed, because how could the rabbit be dirty if it hadn't been in the dirt?

It is funny how the auther said that his Dad was like a bird that coudn't fly, that he jumped instead, jumped to conclusions. Did he really know that his dad would jump to the conclusion that Rusty (the dog) ate the rabbit. Next time I advise his father to get all the information there is to get before jumping to a conclusion. Look before you jump!

jeudi 27 octobre 2011

Critique du film 1998

Le film 1998 explique la vie du jeune Ricardo Trogi. Le film est filmer au Canada en Québec. Le film est sortie en 2009 par le réalisateur Ricardo Trogi.

Au Québec un jeune garçon nommé Ricardo Trogi raconte la première année à sa nouvelle école. Pour rentrer dans un groupe de garçon populaire de l'école Ricardo invente un mensonge qui le fait mentir de plus en plus pour couvrir son premier mensonge. En même temps il est entrain de courir après une fille qui ne le regarde même pas. Sois prêt à rire tandis que tu apprends comment ce petit Ricardo vie dans l'année 1981. Gare à toi si tu lis le Petit prince pour la première fois car tu ne veut pas savoir la fin. :)
          Le thème de ce film est de ne pas mentir et que si tu ment tu vas probablement pas être le seul.

Je n'ai pas trop aimé le film. Je l'ai trouver drôle mais je n'aime pas les film ou que le monde ment. Cela me rend embarrassé pour la personne quand elle doit dire la vérité et fâché contre la personne quand elle ment encore et encore. Quand le film a commencer je l'ai trouver vraiment drôle mais plus que l'on s'enfonçait dedans plus que je l'aimais de moins en moins. Jusqu'à ce que je voulais partir de la pièce, comme je fait chez moi quand je regarde des film comme ça.

J'ai trouvé le vocabulaire assez facile ,a comprendre. Sauf qu'à des parties, quand qu'ils parlait trop vite au si il parlait pas assez fort. J'ai appris comment qu'il parle au Québec et je trouve que c'est diffèrent que comment nous parlons.

Je recommande ce film au enfants de 10 ans et plus et je le donne 2 sur 5 étoiles. 

mercredi 26 octobre 2011

Rambling Autobiography

I was born the same day as the actress (Miriam Margolyes who plays professor Sprout in Harry Potter). I'm a Harry Potter and a Lord of the Rings fan. I love anything chocolate, especially dark chocolate. I love to read and sometimes, before I go to sleep, my Mom has to yell at me to go to bed and stop reading. I love to write and one day I hope to be a famous fiction writter. I just discovered a love for poetry. My favourite movies are Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter 1 to 7. I prefer even numbers, so no one is left out. I love music and have a small band with my brother. I where sweats and t-shirts and baggy sweaters to school when I would rather where an old fashioned, long skirted-dress or a long skirt. I am obsessed by the past and wish I were living there instead of here. I love to learn about tragedies that have happened in the past even if they make me cry. I am sentimental and once I refused to eat when I learned that there was famine in Africa. I want to be an archeologist (because I think that being just an author is not enough) and my father thinks I should be a philosopher. I think a lot about life and can't keep a single opinion because I think about both sides of the story. I detest electronics and want to live without them. I wish to have a magical adventure. I believe in magic and magical beasts. I'm what you would call a old fashioned, country girl. I'm me.

lundi 17 octobre 2011

Gros peureux

 Nous avons ecouter une chanson intituler Gros peureux. C'est une chanson au sujet des nouveau leader. J'ai fait une reflexoin au sujet de la chanson. Cliquer ici pour le voir.

jeudi 6 octobre 2011


A third poem already! To see if you like this one better click here.

vendredi 30 septembre 2011


To see my poem Silence click here.

jeudi 29 septembre 2011

Doccument de sc. hum.

Voulez-vous voir mon dernier doccument sur la vision du monde? Cliquer ici pour le voir.

My Magical Forest, draft 1(my room)

This is my first draft of My Magical Forest. Click here to see it.

mercredi 28 septembre 2011

Entrevue avec Alex

Voulez-vous en savoir plus au sujet d'Alex Joyal. Cliquer ici pour voir un entrevue que j'ai fait avec lui.

vendredi 23 septembre 2011

VR: World Trade Center

  It would be horrible to be in those towers when you know you're going to die. But I think it would be worse to be the families that receive the news that their family and friends won't be coming home. Because if you were to die on those towers your life would be over and you won't have to suffer the pains of life anymore, but the families have to face that you are gone and still have to suffer.

  Now let's say I was in the second tower before while the first one was hit. I'd like to know what I would have done. Would I've ran out of the tower as fast as I could and try to drag some other people with me or would I`ve thought, "It`s not me, I'm probably saffer here.". I think I would have took option number one, because I am always too careful for my own good. But there is only one way to know for sure, if you were put in a situation like that. For example I would like to say I would always stand up for my family, friends, and beleifs. Would I die for them? I want to say yes, no doubt about them. I want to know that I am good and strong. But I have to be in a situation that would challenge that, to know for sure.

  I would rather die falling of a very tall building than burn to death. In other words I would rather die quickly than die suffering. Sometimes people don't understand that. They don't understand that, maybe one of their loved ones would rather die right away than fighting to stay alive. We want are loved ones to live and it is somewhat selfish of us. Who knows what is waiting at the end of the tunnel that leads to death.

  One thing I found that was very impacfull was the music. I almost wanted scream"Shut the music off!". I didn't want to cry. Not because I didn't want to cry in front of my friends, I just don't like being sad. What made it even more unbearable to watch was the people screaming and crying. It was soundless but I couldn't bear to see the sadness of others. Sadness is maybe even worst seeing than anger or violence.

  One day I hope people will learn from their mistakes and we can have a peaceful world again, without stopping natures course, of course. :)))

mercredi 21 septembre 2011

La vision du monde

En classe nous avons etudier les points de vue. Si vous voulez voir mon opinion sur deux des enoncees que nous avons travailler dessus cliquer ici.

Reflexion-Thèmes pour le Petit Prince

Nous sommes en train de lire le roman du Petit Prince. Si vous êtes intresser à lire mes réflexions cliquer ici.

Toutes les reflexions vont être mis dans le même document, celle-ci.

jeudi 15 septembre 2011

VR-Children See Children Do

  In this video I realised how much the things I do and say affect my four younger sibblings. My brother, Théo realised it once. Once when Théo was annoying me I grew so mad that I hit him. Nathalie my sister who is three saw me do it and hit Theo too. Theo said "Whatever you do to me, Thalie does it too."! I then realised that what I had done was bad. So I gave Theo a kiss on the cheek, followed by Thalie. Next time I do something reckless like that again hopefully I will make sure Thalie, or anyone else of my sibblings, are not there.
  It is sad how our bad impressions are coppied from people younger than us. Not for the first time, I wish we lived in a world without violance, without drugs and cigarettes, without bad habbits...etc. A perfect world. But that will never happen, at least not untill we die. If there is a world after death.
  It is not just the little kids that follow your impressions but your seniors too (not just grandparents, adults too). Before, at my house, we had no paper recycling system. I'm all about saving the world so I begged my Mom to have a paper recycling system. A week later we had one because my Mom thought my example was a good one.
  It would be a wonderful thing if the world started to give only good examples. It would be a big step in the direction of making the world a better place. All it takes is a little bit of team work and an effort.

vendredi 9 septembre 2011

5 choses au sujet de moi

1.J'aime beaucoup le chocolat noir (pas plus que 80%).

2.La musique et la lecture sont deux de mes passions les plus important.

3.Je suis entrain d'écrire un roman en anglais et j'ai un grand rêve de devenir écrivaine.

4.Mon frère Theo et moi avons crée un petit groupe de musique français et nous avons de nombreux chants et musique inventée.

5.Quand je vais avoir ma maison a moi, je ne veux aucun électronique, juste une bibliothèque.