jeudi 15 septembre 2011

VR-Children See Children Do

  In this video I realised how much the things I do and say affect my four younger sibblings. My brother, Théo realised it once. Once when Théo was annoying me I grew so mad that I hit him. Nathalie my sister who is three saw me do it and hit Theo too. Theo said "Whatever you do to me, Thalie does it too."! I then realised that what I had done was bad. So I gave Theo a kiss on the cheek, followed by Thalie. Next time I do something reckless like that again hopefully I will make sure Thalie, or anyone else of my sibblings, are not there.
  It is sad how our bad impressions are coppied from people younger than us. Not for the first time, I wish we lived in a world without violance, without drugs and cigarettes, without bad habbits...etc. A perfect world. But that will never happen, at least not untill we die. If there is a world after death.
  It is not just the little kids that follow your impressions but your seniors too (not just grandparents, adults too). Before, at my house, we had no paper recycling system. I'm all about saving the world so I begged my Mom to have a paper recycling system. A week later we had one because my Mom thought my example was a good one.
  It would be a wonderful thing if the world started to give only good examples. It would be a big step in the direction of making the world a better place. All it takes is a little bit of team work and an effort.

1 commentaires:

DD-QA a dit...


You have really taken this response in a nice direction. You start by showing how younger siblings learn from what they see every day. From there, you build to the influence a younger generation can have on an older one. Nicely done.

I hadn't thought of it that way, but it does go both ways. Adults, at least observant ones, will see when the younger generation has something to offer and will encourage it. Sounds like your mom is pretty smart.

Your paragraphs are well spaced out and the pictures you chose complement the text well. Good work.

Try rereading your document and see if you can find any of your errors simply be rereading carefully. None of your errors are big ones and I'm sure you would be able to find most of them on your own. Come see me once you've done that and we'll see what you've missed.

Keep up the great work.

Mme Denine