mercredi 2 novembre 2011

Responce of Author's promise

The author`s promise is that he will answer all the important questions you were thinking, by the end of the text, movie, book...etc.

I had alot of questions during the story, well lots of predictions. For one I knew the dog was going to die because in the first sentence it said "...well I had a dog...". In another pert of the story, when I read that the rabbit was dirty I knew something was amissed, because how could the rabbit be dirty if it hadn't been in the dirt?

It is funny how the auther said that his Dad was like a bird that coudn't fly, that he jumped instead, jumped to conclusions. Did he really know that his dad would jump to the conclusion that Rusty (the dog) ate the rabbit. Next time I advise his father to get all the information there is to get before jumping to a conclusion. Look before you jump!

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