I found the beginning a bit confusing because I kept thinking I was reading in the first person. I thought Tally was a friend of the main character, and the main character hadn't identified themselves yet.
The operation sound painful. I mean, how can people not be discouraged to get the operation when you describe it like: your bones are going to be grounded, your cheek bones are going to be replaced by perfect plastic ones and your skin is going to be sanded off! I think they should at least leave you the choice to pick if you want to stay ugly or become pretty. Sure enough I think the peer pressure will force everyone to become pretty. And still, if you're like Shay you would just stay your real self and they won't start sending people after you when you run away to stay, well pretty, the real kind of pretty

I think that while they do the operation they do something to your brain to make you want to stay pretty and do everything they ask. Or maybe it's just how they go from one extreme to the other. ex: From hard work to unlimited fun.
When Peris came I don't think he did it from his own free will. I think it was the special circumstances that planted the idea in his head so he could try and convince Tally to help them out.

I can't wait to see what Tally will find out when she goes to bring back Shay. I know she wouldn't turn Shay in but still, what is the big secret the Pretties are hiding from everybody? I know there is one.